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Revival in Mississippi?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Reasons for Revival

"Many pray for a revival. That certainly is a prayer that is pleasing to God, it is along the line of His will; but many prayers for revivals are purely selfish. The churches desire revivals in order that the membership may be increased, in order that the church may have a position of more power and influence in the community, in order that the church treasury may be filled, in order that a good report may be made at the presbytery or conference or association. For such low purposes as these, churches and ministers oftentimes are praying for a revival, and oftentimes too God does not answer the prayer. Why should we pray for a revival? For the glory of God, because we cannot endure it that God should continue to be dishonored by the worldliness of the church, by the sins of unbelievers, by the proud unbelief of the day; because God's Word is being made void; in order that God may be glorified by the outpouring of His Spirit on the Church of Christ. For these reasons first of all and above all, we should pray for a revival."

R. A. Torrey

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Money, Money, Money....

In light of the financial crisis facing America (prompting a $700 billion bail out of Wall Street), I thought it a good thing to re-post this quote from Teddy Roosevelt:

"The things that will destroy America are prosperity at any price, peace at any price, safety first instead of duty first, the love of soft living and the get rich quick theory of life."

This is just the reason why we are facing an attempt by Uncle Sam to circumvent an American economic meltdown by providing a $700 billion bailout plan to Wall Street.

This is a mess caused by greed and the LOVE OF MONEY.

There I said it: THE LOVE OF MONEY. Take that prosperity preachers!

And you remember what the LOVE OF MONEY is right?

For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

1 Timothy 6:10

Many griefs. That's nice. As a nation, we are now looking down the shotgun barrell of many griefs.

What's up with the greed, anyhow? Why is there a bailout now? Didn't ANYBODY see this coming?

Of course they did, but since their pockets were being lined with dirty money, they turned their cheeks away from the financial disaster looming on the horizon.

Where was the church during all this?

Some cried to the people to get out of debt. Some obliged.

Others followed the world's lead in its lust for things and money.

Preachers became the poster children of wealth and affluence.

Congregants gave beyond their means to supply celebrity ministries life changing amounts of cash.

Money and the things money could buy became the measure of spirituality.

Poverty became the worst sin a person could fall into.

This is sick.

The church has raised a generation of people that believe true prosperity is found in the amount of stuff they have.

Prosperity is not linked to stuff.

If you have alot of stuff and are in debt over your butt, YOU ARE NOT PROSPERING.

Its like losing weight due to a tape worm. The pounds may come off but your body is sick.

Our god has become money.

Our trust is in the cheap stuff we buy on the market.

That's right: CHEAP! I don't care how much it costs.

Your Bentley and your mansion are CHEAP compared to the wealth of godly character.

A good name is to be more desired than great wealth, Favor is better than silver and gold.

Proverbs 22:1

But where is our character?

We are a nation and a church without character.

But we won't be that way for long.

The fires of adversity have a way of forging strong character.

And there's a $700 billion fire being stoked right now.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


This is a photo of a billboard ad for a local church. Got to admit, the idea is brilliant! Pure genius!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Your purpose is not found in the amount of your possessions.

Pastor Ellery