Life Center of Brandon - Pastor's Blog

Full Armor of God Illustrative Video

Revival in Mississippi?

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Gotta Love this Song

'Muddy Water"

Written by Monty Criswell and Rick Huckaby

Performed by Trace Adkins

Video stars born again Christian actor and celebrity Stephen Baldwin.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

30 Years After Jonestown

It's been thirty years to the day since the horror of Jonestown.

It was then, on Nov. 18th, 1978, that 909 members of The Peoples Temple, under the crackpot leadership of the 'Rev.' Jim Jones, commited mass suicide by drinking cyanide laced Flavor-Aid.

Reports indicate that some members were forced to drink the deadly cocktail while others (namely the elderly) were injected with the poison against their will.

More info on the event here, here, here and here.

But who was this Jim Jones, the infamous leader of the doomed Peoples Temple?

According to the Rick Ross Institute:

"Jones began his group in San Francisco and was once a respected community leader. He started programs to help the elderly and poor. His circle of friends once included leading politicians, who once defended him against allegations of abuse.

...the Rev. Jim Jones was a popular figure and something of a religious celebrity in San Francisco [who] participated in fashionable charity events...

Jones ordained minister of the Disciples of Christ, a respected mainline denomination. At one point his congregation numbered 8,000. It was composed largely of poor African Americans.

Jones...was embraced by liberal politicians such as U.S. Representatives Phillip and John Burton, Assemblyman Willie Brown and Mayor George Moscone.

After the tragedy at Jonestown these politicians found it difficult to explain how Jim Jones so easily took them in.

One of Jones' long time followers Tim Stoen explained, "There wasn't anything magical about Jim's power. It was raw politics. He was able to deliver what politicians want, which is power. And how do you get power? By votes. And how do you get votes? With people. Jim Jones could produce 3,000 people at a political event.''

Jones first step on his path to political influence began in the Fall of 1970. He created a fund for the families of slain police officers. This was the beginning of a viable process he used to make valuable friends through charitable contributions.

The first bad press Jones received in the Bay area was a somewhat critical story run by the San Francisco Examiner in 1972. The paper exposed that Jones had claimed to be a "prophet" and said he could raise the dead.

Perhaps to preempt any further embarrassment Jones subsequently gave out grants to 12 newspapers. He even bussed his people to demonstrate in support of reporters who had been jailed for not revealing confidential sources. Ironically, the man who would later flee from the press and oppress dissent within his group once said in 1973 that he wanted "to defend the free speech clause of the First Amendment.''

In 1973 the San Francisco Examiner briefly ran articles critical of the Temple. However, Jones' political machine continues to garner him influence by helping to elect Mayor Moscone, District Attorney Joseph Freitas and Sheriff Richard Hongisto in 1975.

And Jones was still spreading money around to seemingly buy influence. A writer for the San Francisco Chronicle wrote in 1976, "Many a San Franciscan and many a project have received sizable checks from Peoples Temple, accompanied by only a short note from Jim Jones, saying, `We appreciate what you are doing,' ''

Jones gave money to the NAACP, the Ecumenical Peace Institute and a senior citizens escort service. Willie Brown and then-Governor Jerry Brown could be seen at his church services, apparently paying homage to their friend.

The Fall of 1976 seems to be the time Jones achieved his peak of power. The Burtons, Willie Brown, Williams, Moscone, radical Angela Davis, lawyer Vincent Hallinan, Lieutenant Governor Mervyn Dymally and publisher Carlton Goodlett toasted him at a testimonial dinner. And later Moscone gave him a seat on the San Francisco Housing Authority Commission. "

The video I produced above says it well. Don't be fooled by the signs and wonders of maniacal, charismatic figures.

Know the word of God as if your life depended on it (which, of course, it does).

It's too easy to be duped.

“For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect"

Matthew 24:24

Thursday, November 6, 2008


"God is more interested in our purpose than he is in our pleasure."

Pastor Loraine

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Reasons for Revival

"Many pray for a revival. That certainly is a prayer that is pleasing to God, it is along the line of His will; but many prayers for revivals are purely selfish. The churches desire revivals in order that the membership may be increased, in order that the church may have a position of more power and influence in the community, in order that the church treasury may be filled, in order that a good report may be made at the presbytery or conference or association. For such low purposes as these, churches and ministers oftentimes are praying for a revival, and oftentimes too God does not answer the prayer. Why should we pray for a revival? For the glory of God, because we cannot endure it that God should continue to be dishonored by the worldliness of the church, by the sins of unbelievers, by the proud unbelief of the day; because God's Word is being made void; in order that God may be glorified by the outpouring of His Spirit on the Church of Christ. For these reasons first of all and above all, we should pray for a revival."

R. A. Torrey

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Money, Money, Money....

In light of the financial crisis facing America (prompting a $700 billion bail out of Wall Street), I thought it a good thing to re-post this quote from Teddy Roosevelt:

"The things that will destroy America are prosperity at any price, peace at any price, safety first instead of duty first, the love of soft living and the get rich quick theory of life."

This is just the reason why we are facing an attempt by Uncle Sam to circumvent an American economic meltdown by providing a $700 billion bailout plan to Wall Street.

This is a mess caused by greed and the LOVE OF MONEY.

There I said it: THE LOVE OF MONEY. Take that prosperity preachers!

And you remember what the LOVE OF MONEY is right?

For the love of money is a root of all sorts of evil, and some by longing for it have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

1 Timothy 6:10

Many griefs. That's nice. As a nation, we are now looking down the shotgun barrell of many griefs.

What's up with the greed, anyhow? Why is there a bailout now? Didn't ANYBODY see this coming?

Of course they did, but since their pockets were being lined with dirty money, they turned their cheeks away from the financial disaster looming on the horizon.

Where was the church during all this?

Some cried to the people to get out of debt. Some obliged.

Others followed the world's lead in its lust for things and money.

Preachers became the poster children of wealth and affluence.

Congregants gave beyond their means to supply celebrity ministries life changing amounts of cash.

Money and the things money could buy became the measure of spirituality.

Poverty became the worst sin a person could fall into.

This is sick.

The church has raised a generation of people that believe true prosperity is found in the amount of stuff they have.

Prosperity is not linked to stuff.

If you have alot of stuff and are in debt over your butt, YOU ARE NOT PROSPERING.

Its like losing weight due to a tape worm. The pounds may come off but your body is sick.

Our god has become money.

Our trust is in the cheap stuff we buy on the market.

That's right: CHEAP! I don't care how much it costs.

Your Bentley and your mansion are CHEAP compared to the wealth of godly character.

A good name is to be more desired than great wealth, Favor is better than silver and gold.

Proverbs 22:1

But where is our character?

We are a nation and a church without character.

But we won't be that way for long.

The fires of adversity have a way of forging strong character.

And there's a $700 billion fire being stoked right now.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


This is a photo of a billboard ad for a local church. Got to admit, the idea is brilliant! Pure genius!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Your purpose is not found in the amount of your possessions.

Pastor Ellery

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wisdom #1

"Humility is the outward expression of wisdom."
Pastor Ellery

If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom.

James 3:13

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

From the Desk of J. Lee Grady

Life After Lakeland: Sorting Out the Confusion
By J. Lee Grady

Todd Bentley’s announcement that his marriage is ending has thrown our movement into a tailspin—and questions need to be answered.

It was not supposed to end like this.

Evangelist Todd Bentley had heralded the Lakeland revival as the greatest Pentecostal outpouring since Azusa Street. From his stage in a gigantic tent in Florida, Bentley preached to thousands, bringing many of them to the stage for prayer. Many claimed to be healed of deafness, blindness, heart problems, depression and dozens of other conditions in the Lakeland services, which ran for more than 100 consecutive nights. Bentley announced confidently that dozens of people had been raised from the dead during the revival.

But this week, a few days after the Canadian preacher announced the end of his visits to Lakeland, he told his staff that his marriage is ending. Without blaming the pace of the revival for Bentley’s personal problems, his board released a public statement saying that he and his wife, Shonnah, are separating. The news shocked Bentley’s adoring fans and saddened those who have questioned his credibility since the Lakeland movement erupted in early April.

I’m sad. I’m disappointed. And I’m angry. Here are few of my many, many questions about this fiasco:

Why did so many people flock to Lakeland from around the world to rally behind an evangelist who had serious credibility issues from the beginning?

To put it bluntly, we’re just plain gullible.

From the first week of the Lakeland revival, many discerning Christians raised questions about Bentley’s beliefs and practices. They felt uneasy when he said he talked to an angel in his hotel room. They sensed something amiss when he wore a T-shirt with a skeleton on it. They wondered why a man of God would cover himself with tattoos. They were horrified when they heard him describe how he tackled a man and knocked his tooth out during prayer.

But among those who jumped on the Lakeland bandwagon, discernment was discouraged. They were expected to swallow and follow. The message was clear: “This is God. Don’t question.” So before we could all say, “Sheeka Boomba” (as Bentley often prayed from his pulpit), many people went home, prayed for people and shoved them to the floor with reckless abandon, Bentley-style.

I blame this lack of discernment, partly, on raw zeal for God. We’re spiritual hungry—which can be a good thing. But sometimes, hungry people will eat anything.

Many of us would rather watch a noisy demonstration of miracles, signs and wonders than have a quiet Bible study. Yet we are faced today with the sad reality that our untempered zeal is a sign of immaturity. Our adolescent craving for the wild and crazy makes us do stupid things. It’s way past time for us to grow up.

Why didn’t anyone in Lakeland denounce the favorable comments Bentley made about William Branham?

This one baffles me. Branham embraced horrible deception near the end of his ministry, before he died in 1965. He claimed that he was the reincarnation of Elijah—and his strange doctrines are still embraced by a cultlike following today. When Bentley announced to the world that the same angel that ushered in the 1950s healing revival had come to Lakeland, the entire audience should have run for the exits.

Why didn’t anyone correct this error from the pulpit?

Godly leaders are supposed to protect the sheep from heresy, not spoon feed deception to them. Only God knows how far this poison traveled from Lakeland to take root elsewhere. May God forgive us for allowing His Word to be so flippantly contaminated.

A prominent Pentecostal evangelist called me this week after Bentley’s news hit the fan. He said to me: “I’m now convinced that a large segment of the charismatic church will follow the anti-Christ when he shows up because they have no discernment.” Ouch. Hopefully we’ll learn our lesson this time and apply the necessary caution when an imposter shows up.

Why did God TV tell people that “any criticism of Todd Bentley is demonic”?

This ridiculous statement was actually made on one of God TV’s pre-shows. In fact, the network’s hosts also warned listeners that if they listened to criticism of Bentley, they could lose their healings.

This is cultic manipulation at its worst. The Bible tells us that the Bereans were noble believers because they studied the Scriptures daily “to see whether these things were so” (Acts 17:11, NASB). Yet in the case of Lakeland, honest intellectual inquiry was viewed as a sign of weakness. People were expected to jump first and then open their eyes.

Just because we believe in the power of the Holy Spirit does not mean we check our brains at the church door. We are commanded to test the spirits. Jesus wants us to love Him with our hearts and our minds.

Because of the Lakeland scandal, there may be large numbers of people who feel they’ve been burned by Bentley. Some may give up on church and join the growing ranks of bitter, disenfranchised Christians. Others may suffer total spiritual shipwreck. This could have been avoided if leaders had been more vocal about their objections and urged people to evaluate spiritual experiences through the filter of God’s Word.

Why did a group of respected ministers lay hands on Bentley on June 23 and publicly ordain him? Did they know of his personal problems?

This controversial ceremony was organized by Peter Wagner, who felt that one of Bentley’s greatest needs was proper spiritual covering. He asked California pastors Che Ahn and Bill Johnson, along with Canadian pastor John Arnott, to lay hands on Bentley and bring him under their care.

Bentley certainly needs such covering. No one in ministry today should be out on their own, living in isolation without checks, balances and wise counsel. It was commendable that Wagner reached out to Bentley and that Bentley acknowledged his need for spiritual fathers by agreeing to submit to the process. The question remains, however, whether it was wise to commend Bentley during a televised commissioning service that at times seemed more like a king’s coronation.

In hindsight, we can all see that it would have been better to take Bentley into a back room and talk about his personal issues.

The Bible tells us that ordination of a minister is a sober responsibility. Paul wrote: “Do not lay hands upon anyone too hastily and thereby share responsibility for the sins of others” (1 Tim. 5:22). We might be tempted to rush the process, but the apostle warned against fast-tracking ordination—and he said that those who commission a minister who is not ready for the job will bear some of the blame for his failures.I trust that Wagner, Ahn, Johnson and Arnott didn’t know of Bentley’s problems before they ordained him. I am sure they are saddened by the events of this week and are reaching out to Bentley and his wife to promote healing and restoration. But I believe that they, along with Bentley and the owners of God TV, owe the body of Christ a forthright, public apology for thrusting Bentley’s ministry into the spotlight prematurely. (Perhaps such an apology should be aired on God TV.)

Can anything good come out of this?

That depends on how people respond. If the men assigned to oversee Bentley offer loving but firm correction, and if Bentley responds humbly to the process by stepping out of ministry for a season of rehabilitation, we could witness a healthy case of church discipline play out the way it is supposed to. If all those who were so eager to promote Bentley now rush just as fast to repent for their errors in judgment, then the rest of us could breathe a huge sigh of relief—and the credibility of our movement could be restored.

I still believe that God desires to visit our nation in supernatural power. I know He wants to heal multitudes, and I will continue praying for a healing revival to sweep across the United States. But we must contend for the genuine, not an imitation. True revival will be accompanied by brokenness, humility, reverence and repentance—not the arrogance, showmanship and empty hype that often was on display in Lakeland.

We are weathering an unprecedented season of moral failure and spiritual compromise in our nation today. I urge everyone in the charismatic world to pray for Bentley; his wife, Shonnah; his three young children; Bentley’s ministry staff; and the men and women who serve as his counselors and advisers. Let’s pray that God will turn this embarrassing debacle into an opportunity for miraculous restoration.

J. Lee Grady is editor of Charisma. To read Charisma’s news story on Todd Bentley’s recent announcement,

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Gee, You Think?

"The things that will destroy America are prosperity at any price, peace at any price, safety first
instead of duty first, the love of soft living and the get rich quick theory of life."

-- Theodore Roosevelt

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

A Dark Batman for 'The Dark Knight'

This one isn't for kids. Let's just get that out up front. Every review I've read so far has pegged this Batman as wickedly dark.

"Even darker and more relentlessly serious than "Batman Begins," writes David Ansen of Newsweek.

" not, despite the PG-13 rating, bring the children" warns David Denby of The New Yorker.

Richard Corliss of Time writes "it's a wonder, and a puzzle, why The Dark Knight snagged a PG-13 rating. (Don't take your 9-year-old son unless you think he'd enjoy seeing a kid just like him tremble in fear while a gun is held to his head by a previously sympathetic character.)"

Corliss also shares that "With little humor to break the tension, The Dark Knight is beyond dark. It's as black — and teeming and toxic — as the mind of the Joker."

Apparently, its the performance of the late Heath Ledger as the Joker (who died after filming the movie at the young age of 28 from a prescription drug overdose), that pushes this film to the edge.

Pete Travers of Rolling Stone writes:

"Miles from Jack Nicholson's broadly funny take on the role in Tim Burton's 1989 Batman, Ledger takes the role to the shadows, where even what's comic is hardly a relief. No plastic mask for Ledger; his face is caked with moldy makeup that highlights the red scar of a grin, the grungy hair and the yellowing teeth of a hound fresh out of hell."

MSNBC's Alonso Duralde makes the point that "Ledger’s Joker is so intense...that very young children may find it too disturbing."

Reviews have so far been stellar for this latest Batman outing. Adults may get a kick out of this overly serious comic book adventure.

But just because its based on an American superhero icon, doesn't mean it's safe for the kids.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Thoughts on Consumerism #1

Best Buy is Toys 'R' Us on steroids.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sin and the Good News of Jesus Christ

Without sin, there is no need for a saviour.
Human nature is sinful. We desperately need the finished work of the cross of Jesus Christ in our lives.

Keep praying, keep repenting from selfishness, strife and rebellion.

Christians who ignore their sin nature end up sugar coating their shortcomings and fall into self-righteous religiosity. They end up straining at the gnats of carnality in the lives of others while swallowing and making excuses for the camels of carnality in their own.

No one is exempt from the fallen nature of the human heart. No preacher, no Christian... Yet some live in the lala land of assumed victory while they leave a trail of immature garbage behind them for other people to clean up.

Only Jesus Christ can clean the mess of the human heart. Only he was sinless. Only he could take away the penalty of our sins so that we could boldly go to the throne of grace without fear of being condemned by a holy and righteous God.
The penalty of our sins (death) was taken upon him. He paid the ultimate price. And because he died (and rose again), I live eternally.

Let us not be deceived in this day and age of 'sinless' Christianity.

Just because we don't get drunk or engage in works of the flesh that are without a doubt sinful, does not mean there is not a monster within each of us, beating just below the surface, ready to break out and fullfill its every selfish ambition no matter the cost.

We need help. We need Christ.


1Jn 1:8-10

If we say, "We aren't sinful" we are deceiving ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
God is faithful and reliable. If we confess our sins, he forgives them and cleanses us from everything we've done wrong.
If we say, "We have never sinned," we turn God into a liar and his Word is not in us.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Word of Caution from Prophet Vaughn Clark

Below is a portion of an extremely relevant message from Prophet Vaughn Allen Clark.

Click here to read it in its entirety.

"There is no new revelation or teaching--there is nothing new under the sun.

Beware of extra-Scriptural revelations and teachings/visions claiming a higher authority than the Word of God. Such enticement and "higher" spirituality is the source of every great delusion, deception, sect, cult, and false religion on the planet.

This sort of "new hyper-revelation" is mystery religion, actually old deception whose roots can be found in Babylon and in the apostolic battles for the Truth in the First Century Church.

The mystic ascent to "higher dimension spirituality" is the necrotic vomit of some demonic pit. Satan has reserved this vent for this tumultuous moment--God has allowed this underworld breaking forth because of idolatry and departure from the Faith.

At the same time, the principles of the End-Time Harvest, the tares and the wheat, even the dragnet are in operation.

The Holy Spirit is being poured out on all flesh, our sons and daughters, our young men and old, will prophesy, dream dreams, have visions.

The Light is manifesting the darkness; the Glory of God is covering the earth--gross darkness is covering the people:


Friday, June 6, 2008

A Warning about the Current 'Lakeland Outpouring'

A balanced, cautionary report on Todd Bentley and the Lakeland Outpouring from Dr. Leon van Rooyen, apostolic overseer of Life Center of Brandon:

A must read!

Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Lord Speaks: RESTORATION

This is a prophetic word that was delivered by Life Center of Brandon church member, Julius Vaughn during our Friday night prayer meeting of May 30, 2008:

The quake is coming which will break the separation and bring the restoration. Breaking the self made walls of the world, lifting the walls of false protection - opening the doors of the church bringing those outside in and those inside out.

The Lord is bringing the quake - which will awaken us from our slumber of lies, deceit and selfish concerns.

We will walk out and greet those who do not dare come in.

The church will be restored and we will all rise a new creation.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Isn't it About Jesus?

Todd Bentley claims God told him to promote an angel over Jesus.

Sound crazy? OF COURSE IT DOES!

Here's how Todd explains it:

God tells him, "Todd you’ve got to get the people to believe in the

To which Todd replies, "God why do I want people to believe in the angel?
Isn’t it about getting the people to believe in Jesus?"

God responds, "The people already believe in Jesus but the church
doesn’t believe in the supernatural."

Bentley expounds, "The Church has no problem believing in Jesus, what we don't believe in is the supernatural. We don't believe in angels. We don't believe in the prophetic. We don't believe in some of what's going on. And I'll tell you what, we need to have an awakening.

Listen in it's entirety here:
Living in The Way: AUDIO: Todd Bentley says it's NOT about Jesus?

It heretical to think that God the Father would take the attention off of His Son, the Christ, and place it on an angelic lesser being.

This is wide open for all kinds of dangerous doctrines and teachings.

Please be careful, folks!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Nightmares and the Lakeland 'Revival'

Some issues have come to light concerning the "Florida Outpouring" in Lakeland, FL.

These issues are serious and quite disconcerting.

First of all, some of the words that are shared are quite heretical.

Case in point, Saturday night, May 17.

Meeting officiator (I refuse to refer to him as any one of the five fold ministry gifts) Todd Bentley, was refering to the 'thick anointing' around his pulpit. He said this was due to an 'angel' that was standing next to his pulpit.

He told the people next to his pulpit that the 'angel' would heal them and 'COME INTO THEM'.

What is that?

This is unbelievable heresy! Only the Holy Spirit inhabits us as Christians, not angels!

The craziness continues.

Check out this link to his teachings on angels:

Be sure to read the part where he drops on all fours and roars like a lion in a convenience store.

I kid you not.

Several people we know personally have complained of bizarre experiences since attending these meetings with some regularity live or on-line.

The experiences have included:

1) Nightmares

2) Physical pain and worsening health

3 )Panic/anxiety attacks

4) Financial problems

5) Seeing glimpses of what looks like people standing in corners, sitting on furniture, strange lights in rooms and insects scurrying across walls.

Please remember these exeriences have happened AFTER being involved with Bentley's ministry.

If you think these are unrelated to Todd Bentley, please read this testimony I found online from Andrew Strom's website after I started hearing about and experiencing some of the above symptoms:

A Spirit-filled pastor that I know from the UK who has been following ToddBentley's ministry closely for some years wrote to me about what he himself has
observed since the year 2000:
"When Todd Bentley conducted a healing meeting
in a large charismatic church here in England in 2005, he laid hands on many
people who were apparently healed. I know of at least one instance where a
pastor's wife with cancer was prayed for by Todd. Soon afterwards she heard
voices in her head telling her to 'drown herself just like her father did'. The
poor woman ended up in a mental hospital, I believe she still has the cancer.

Taken from:

If you need more proof of heretical weirdness, please read what Bentley himself has said about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit:

Let me give you a little background. I was impacted years ago, and first
introduced to this kind of intimacy, through the ministries of Benny Hinn and
Kathryn Kuhlman. They opened the way for me to go beyond the power of God’s
Spirit, the gifts or any kind of experience like the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

You see that? "Go beyond the power of God's Spirit..." I didn't know there was such a place.

My concern right now is for all the people enamored with this ministry and the damage that will eventually follow.

This is why as Sr. Pastor of Life Center of Brandon, I, the church, its pastoral staff and its Board of Directors do not in any way endorse the ministry of Todd Bentley or the 'Florida Outpouring' in Lakeland.

There are a few preachers I do not agree with on certain points of scripture, but I have never, as a Christian or as a pastor, stepped out and labeled them as heretics as I do Todd Bentley.

Unbiblical, New Age and para-occult theology runs rampant in Bentley's so-called ministry along with some of his ministerial affiliates.

The word of God reveals that in the last days there would be false teachers and false doctrines that if possible, would even deceive the very elect.

Today's Christian must not be blown to and fro by every wind of doctrine.

To all those who are saying that anyone who speaks against this 'revival' is of the devil or 'pharisees', just remember all teaching and ministry must be judged according to the word of God. We must have 'black and white' for everything we teach and embrace.

Ironic how Bentley boasts on getting 'words of knowledge' about people but rarely seems to get an accurate word of knowledge about scripture.

There comes a time when a we must draw the line. That time has come. The line is drawn.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Principle Thing

"God's wisdom is the blueprint of life."

- Pastor Ellery

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Raised from Dead

Click on the link below and check out this news story from WSVN NEWS in Miami, FL of a man wo was apparently raised from the dead by a Christian physician:

Raised from the Dead

Thursday, February 14, 2008

President Who?

'The lot is cast into the lap, But its every decision is from the LORD.'
Proverbs 16:33

The outcome of the Super Bowl, every card game played in Vegas, every lottery, and even our Presidential elections do not take God by surprise.
He knows - and even determines - the outcome of every event.

Let's look at Proverbs 16:33 in several different translations:

'We may throw the dice, but the Lord determines how they fall.' (NLT)

'The dice are thrown, but the LORD determines every outcome.' (God's Word)

'Make your motions and cast your votes, but God has the final say.' (The Message)

'The lot is cast into the lap, but the decision is wholly of the Lord [even the events that seem accidental are really ordered by Him].' (AMP)

So basically, we can live our lives to their fullest, knowing God controls the outcome of every event put into play.

Have your enemies risen up against you? Circumstances wearing you down? It ain't over until God says it's over.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Thanks 'LifeStories'!

Christian Acoustic Duo 'LifeStories' recently performed at our Wednesday Worship Nights Cafe.
They truly blessed us with their worshipful sound, God honoring testimony and humble hearts.

Based out of Tampa, the duo consists of Talesha Hogan -vocalist / songwriter and Craig Garrison, acoustic and electric guitarist. Their music is a cross-section of originals and other contemporary standards that describe their life and journey with Jesus Christ our Lord.

For more info:

Lifestories will also be performing at the following events this weekend and next Tuesday:

2/09 Gospel Jamboree, Dade City, Fl 2pm
2/10 Grace Nazarene Tampa, Fl 11am
2/12 Java Delights Coffee House, Zephyrhills, Fl 6pm

Friday, February 1, 2008

Assets and Liabilities

"When we live for ourselves, our weaknesses become liabilities. When we live for God, our weaknesses become assets."
- Pastor Ellery

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Issues and Candidates

The Iraq War, health care, taxes, embryonic stem cell research, the Federal Marriage Amendment, abortion, immigration...

Where do the presidential candidates stand on these issues?

Check out the link below: