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Saturday, June 7, 2008

A Word of Caution from Prophet Vaughn Clark

Below is a portion of an extremely relevant message from Prophet Vaughn Allen Clark.

Click here to read it in its entirety.

"There is no new revelation or teaching--there is nothing new under the sun.

Beware of extra-Scriptural revelations and teachings/visions claiming a higher authority than the Word of God. Such enticement and "higher" spirituality is the source of every great delusion, deception, sect, cult, and false religion on the planet.

This sort of "new hyper-revelation" is mystery religion, actually old deception whose roots can be found in Babylon and in the apostolic battles for the Truth in the First Century Church.

The mystic ascent to "higher dimension spirituality" is the necrotic vomit of some demonic pit. Satan has reserved this vent for this tumultuous moment--God has allowed this underworld breaking forth because of idolatry and departure from the Faith.

At the same time, the principles of the End-Time Harvest, the tares and the wheat, even the dragnet are in operation.

The Holy Spirit is being poured out on all flesh, our sons and daughters, our young men and old, will prophesy, dream dreams, have visions.

The Light is manifesting the darkness; the Glory of God is covering the earth--gross darkness is covering the people:



Anonymous said...


Amen Vaughn

You told me I am made for this time and to get right with the Lord and I thought I'll never be more right with God then I am in Christ Jesus. I can't earn or add to anything I've been given but I would be a fool not walk in the path provided by our heavenly Father through Christ Jesus. I'm thinking getting right with God means to take hold of the responsibility to be separate. Vaughn I will ask the Lord for land to help people. Be blessed my friend and know the Lord is within you.

Ed Biernot

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your word from God! You were at Church Builders in Spartanburg,SC. It came at a time when I was just about to break.....really! I still struggle with a relationship with my mom, but God is calling me to a place in my life for forgiveness and healing to begin. You gave to me an affirmation that God knows my situation(s). Sometimes we feel that God isn't listening........I know now, for sure, HE IS! Thank you Jesus! And u too Vaughn! ANN GREENE